Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Two Hero's

Asha Singapogu

Lesson 3

September 13, 2019

The Two Hero's

Once upon a time in the fifth century there was a very happy and peaceful kingdom. Beowulf was the noble king of Geats. Though he ruled wisely, he was old. On the other side of the kingdom there was a dragon that lived viscously in a cave. He had terrific tremendously tantalizing treasure. Once a slave who had run away came to this cave and was stunned by all the riches

As the slave fled he grabbed a shiny goblet and ran sneakily. The dragon felt the loss of the treasure and left the cave breathing fire all over the villages. Beowulf new this could not continue so he gathered all his soldiers and marched to the cave. Beowulf fought bravely while the other soldiers left except one soldiers who was very young. Beowulf and the solder continued to fight capably.

             During the fight Beowulf’s sored broke and the dragon caught him by the neck. The soldier who was young climbed up the huge beast and stabbed it and the dragon dropped Beowulf. Beowulf and the solder nobly fought until the dragon died. Sadly Beowulf died soon after because of his wounds but he was remembered as a great hero.

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