Monday, October 5, 2020

A Difficult Battle


Asha Singapogu

 Lesson 3

September 3, 2020

A Difficult Battle

            Even though it was a hot summer day in the Ohio river valley, it was still dark. General Edward Brandock lead the British army through the Forrest. Although he was well trained, he was not accustomed to the forest. Rather he was familiar with the smooth terrane of England. By his side was George Washington who was accustomed to the area and knew the ways of the people. Sadly the French and British argued about who the Ohio river valley belonged to. the native Americans allied with the French for trading reasons. The British army was marching to a fort to capture the French, they were confident that they would surprise the French. The British were tired eager, and hopeful. It was only ten miles to the fort when shots rang out all around and the French and native Americans sprung form behind the trees.

             General Brandock was killed. George Washington took over. Two horses were shout from under him. Amazingly Washington and his men escaped alive this was one of the many  difficult battles fought between the British and the French.

Letter to Ellie


Dear Ellie,

            I   miss you so much .I hope that you are having a good time. I am so sorry that I did not write to you sooner. When I went to write you the letter, I found out that we ran out of stamps. Fortunately, we have a whole book of stamps now so I can write to you whenever. I also included a stamp in this envelope just in case you don’t have any. But any way let’s get to the important stuff. Well last time we went to the creek we explored together remember. Well anyway we found a short cut to get to the cave. And about that secret passage in my room well I’m getting more suspicions every day although I have not told anyone. I suppose it’s just my imagination but on the other hand it seems so real… well can’t wait to talk to you in person. Oh, and by the way this week I had an art camp it was really fun we did stuff in our bible like painting and so on. And then there was my birthday I was really fun and now I am a ten-year-old! And for my birthday my brother brought me out to eat and we biked to this restaurant.  And on Saturday we went to this German town  in Georgia an hour away called Helen and we played mini golf and ate ice cream and there is even a chocolate factory! There is soooooo much happening here I can’t wait to hear from you soon .It’s totally ok if you want to type your letters just to save time if you can borrow your mom or dads commuter or even use you own that would be great . oh, and tell me if this handwriting is hard to read because I can change it. Hope to see you soon. Oh, and pray for me because I might get a new violin teacher who is preattty good which also mean strict, but I hope I will learn. Love you so much see you soon



P.S. my address is: 116 Shannon Drive Pendleton S.C.29670

And this letter was written on Monday July 13, 2020

Don’t be suspicious but when is your birthday? Write soon!



Asha Singapogu

Unit two

August 19, 2020

Following Christopher Columbus many Spanish people eagerly sailed to the new world. Many wanted fame and fortune and were not reverent of the natives’ land and were not kind. One man wanted to find the fountain of youth which he did not find. He did find Florida which he named after the flowers. Another man searched for the seven cities of gold but were transfixed when they found the Grand Canyon. The Spanish made the first permanent settlement which started out small and then grew larger.

The Treacherous Journey to the New World


Asha Singapogu

Lesson 4

August 26, 2020

The Treacherous Journey to the New World

                        In 1620 Goodman John Howland, sailed on a dilapidated ship called. The mayflower with some people who wanted religious freedom. these adventures men and women were sailing across the vast ocean to a new land called America. During the journey there was a huge storm. There was lighting and loud thunder and horrifying wind and waves. The passengers went below, praying it would not sink. It was wet, crowded and everybody was frightened.

                         Goodman Howland did not prefer to be cooped up in small places, so he unwisely went on deck. Without warning the ship toppled over and he was thrown into the sea. As he fell, he frantically grabbed onto a rope. As he dangled over the water he screamed for help. Fortunately, some of the sailors saw the accident. They let down a hook for him to grab. John Howland who was glad to be on board , new  the journey to the new world would be long a treacherous.

Boston Tea Party


 Asha Singapogu

Lesson 7

September 24, 2020

            It was a cold winter night in 1773 in Boston. The “Sons of Liberty” were a group of youngsters who refused to pay taxes to King George. King George was sailing ships of tea to Boston. Then he was forcing the people to buy it. Paul was a ten-year-old, red-headed, curious boy, who lovingly followed his brother around. Peter was Paul’s brother and he was a member of the Sons of Liberty.

            As Paul was following Peter, Peter told Paul to be very quiet and to observe. Paul did not understand but he obeyed. As he quietly walked through the streets, he remembered what he had overheard the men discussing, “We don’t desire to buy their tea. But they won’t send the ships back. We must do something about this,” said another. Paul was interrupted mid-thought as he eyes grew as large as pumpkins when he witnessed the sight of many colonists who were disguised as Indians board the ship.

            The Sons of Liberty started to throw thousands of dollars’ worth of tea into the sea. The aroma of tea which filled the area had an overwhelmingly strong sent. The colonists started cheering they said, “Tell King George we will pay not taxes.” When the message reached King George he finally understood.

A furious fight between the red coats and patriots


Asha Singapogu

Lesson 6

September 16, 2020

A furious fight between the red coats and patriots

            The hushed sounds of the cold winter night in 1770 gave everything a strange feel. Hugh white was a low ranking soldier in the British army. Red  Coats were British soldier who bravely fought. Patriots were angry settlers, who did not like the red coats. At the time in Boston things were not going to well for the two groups. They were getting angry at each other.

            As Hugh white who was scanning and observing the streets he had a strange feeling. He really sought to calm the anger of the people. They were angry because the king was making the pay unfair taxes. Soon the general joined him as a as a young patriot walked up to them speaking arrogantly to the officer. White confronted him telling him to be more respectful. Rather the youth said ‘’Huh who are you to confront me’’ ,and went on even more disrespectfully. White exclaimed ‘’ how dare you talk like that to a British officer’’and struck him with the butt of his gun.

            The patriots, who were angry crowded around crying, ‘’kill him.’’ They furiously started throwing rocks, ice, and sticks. As the ice struck a man his gun fired the red coats urgently started firing at them causing five men to die. This was one of the many fights between the redcoats and the Patriots.

The Oldest Man to Sign the Constitution


Asha Singapogu

Lesson 9

October 1, 2020

The Oldest Man to Sign the Constitution

Though most people don’t know it Benjamin franklin was interestingly the only person to sign the all four documents that helped America become a free nation. King George, who was the King of England, considered these drafts treason. So, Benjamin franklin amazingly risked his life by signing these documents. Obviously, the British did not acknowledge that  the colonists freedom, which led to the Revolutionary war. Later Franklin journeyed to France to ask for their friendship in the war.  It’s good that France helped because America would not have won without France’s help. At the age of eighty -one, Benjamin Franklin was the oldest man to sign the constitution.